
Purpose – Strength Core and Lumber Spine

Set up Position

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
  2. Ensure knees and feet are in line with hips
  3. Back of neck lengthened
  4. Shoulder blades should be squeezed together and drawn down towards your feet
  5. Spine in neutral
  6. Core stability muscles and pelvic floor engaged (30%)

Exercise Description

  1. Inhale to prepare
  2. Exhale and initiate the move from the hip and float the foot of one leg off the floor to bring the knee to rest directly above the hip, with the shin parallel to the ceiling.  If you have a mirror practise this in front of it so you can check position of leg.
  3. Take weight out of the supporting foot.  Imagine a cream cake underneath.
  4. Inhale to prepare
  5. Exhale and slowly lower the leg to the floor, moving from the hip until the foot rests back on the floor in set up position. If you feel the lower back start to lift as you lower leg, stop the movement and return from that position.
  6. Repeat for 8 times each leg

Watch Out Points

  1. Keep resting leg stable
  2. Keep tension out of upper body
  3. Avoid pressing the foot into floor during movements
  4. Keep angle of knee throughout the movements
  5. Avoid losing neutral spine, back should not peel away from floor

Follow my blog for more exercises.  Next week Level 2 Scissors