Purpose:  Strength – Core and Obliques


Exercise Description

  1. Lie on your side on the mat with your elbow point and hip in contact with the floor, body in a straight line
  2. Hips and shoulders stacked, core muscles engaged
  3. Lateral Thoracic breathing
  4. Inhale to prepare, exhale and lengthen through the body lifting both legs off the floor
  5. Inhale, exhale and move the top leg forwards and the underneath leg backwards creating a scissor motion.
  6. Inhale and switch leg position
  7. Repeat x 20 before switching sides

Watch- Out Points

  1. Keep waist lifted and body stable
  2. Avoid putting forearm on floor, stay on elbow point
  3. Do not use other hand to stabilise
  4. Lengthen away from the floor at the waist
  5. Do not lose neutral pelvis
  6. Do not let back arch
  7. Do not allow legs to bend at the knee.  The  movement comes from the hips
  8. Keep tension out of upper body


For more exercises please visit my blog pages on my website