Purpose:  Strengthen the back, shorten trapezius and rhomboids



Exercise Description


  1. Lie on front arms by your sides with palms facing into your thighs
  2. Inhale, exhale and raise the chest and head off the floor, extending the back pulling arms down towards feet  and pulling shoulders away from ears
  3. Inhale and slide arm down leg to move body towards the foot
  4. Exhale and slide back to start postion
  5. Inhale and slide down otherside
  6. Return to start position and lower to the floor
  7. Repeat 8 times


Watch Out Points


  1. Ensure you keep neck in alignment by looking toward the floor throughout
  2. Do not allow head to move towards shoulders when sliding down leg
  3. Ensure core and pelvic floor are engaged and that the shoulders remain away from the ears
  4. Do not squeeze bum or lift legs


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